The difference between Eclectic and Uniform

When used as nouns, eclectic means someone who selects according to the eclectic method, whereas uniform means a distinctive outfit that serves to identify members of a group.

When used as adjectives, eclectic means selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles, whereas uniform means unvarying.

Uniform is also verb with the meaning: to clothe in a uniform.

check bellow for the other definitions of Eclectic and Uniform

  1. Eclectic as an adjective:

    Selecting a mixture of what appears to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles.

  2. Eclectic as an adjective:

    Unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous.

  1. Eclectic as a noun:

    Someone who selects according to the eclectic method.

  1. Uniform as an adjective:

    Unvarying; all the same.

  2. Uniform as an adjective:

    Consistent; conforming to one standard.

  3. Uniform as an adjective (mathematics):

    with speed of convergence not depending on choice of function argument; as in uniform continuity, uniform convergence

  4. Uniform as an adjective (of a [[polymer]]):

    Composed of a single macromolecular species.

  5. Uniform as an adjective (geometry):

    (of a polyhedron) That is isogonal and whose faces are regular polygons; (of an n-dimensional (n>3) polytope) that is isogonal and whose bounding (n-1)-dimensional facets are uniform polytopes.

  1. Uniform as a noun:

    A distinctive outfit that serves to identify members of a group.

  2. Uniform as a noun:

    Phonetic equivalent for the letter U in the ICAO spelling alphabet, informally known as the NATO phonetic alphabet.

  3. Uniform as a noun:

    A uniformed police officer (as opposed to a detective).

  1. Uniform as a verb (transitive):

    To clothe in a uniform.