The difference between Calculation and Reckoning

When used as nouns, calculation means the act or process of calculating, whereas reckoning means the action of calculating or estimating something.

check bellow for the other definitions of Calculation and Reckoning

  1. Calculation as a noun (mathematics, uncountable):

    The act or process of calculating.

  2. Calculation as a noun (mathematics, countable):

    The result of calculating.

  3. Calculation as a noun (countable):

    Reckoning, estimate.


    "By my calculation, we should be there by midnight."

  4. Calculation as a noun (countable):

    An expectation based on circumstances.

  1. Reckoning as a verb:

  1. Reckoning as a noun:

    The action of calculating or estimating something.


    "By that reckoning, it would take six weeks to go five miles."

  2. Reckoning as a noun (archaic):

    The bill (UK) or check (US), especially at an inn or tavern.

  3. Reckoning as a noun:

    An opinion or judgement.

  4. Reckoning as a noun:

    The working out of consequences or retribution for one's actions.

  5. Reckoning as a noun (archaic):

    Rank or status.