The difference between Calculation and Estimate

When used as nouns, calculation means the act or process of calculating, whereas estimate means a rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something.

Estimate is also verb with the meaning: to calculate roughly, often from imperfect data.

check bellow for the other definitions of Calculation and Estimate

  1. Calculation as a noun (mathematics, uncountable):

    The act or process of calculating.

  2. Calculation as a noun (mathematics, countable):

    The result of calculating.

  3. Calculation as a noun (countable):

    Reckoning, estimate.


    "By my calculation, we should be there by midnight."

  4. Calculation as a noun (countable):

    An expectation based on circumstances.

  1. Estimate as a noun:

    A rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something.

  2. Estimate as a noun (construction and business):

    A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job is likely to cost.

  3. Estimate as a noun:

    An upper limitation on some positive quantity.

  1. Estimate as a verb:

    To calculate roughly, often from imperfect data.

  2. Estimate as a verb:

    To judge and form an opinion of the value of, from imperfect data.