The difference between Butch and Mannish

When used as adjectives, butch means very masculine, with a masculine appearance or attitude, whereas mannish means resembling or characteristic of a human being, in form or nature.

Butch is also noun with the meaning: a lesbian who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner.

check bellow for the other definitions of Butch and Mannish

  1. Butch as an adjective (slang, originally, _, Polari):

    Very masculine, with a masculine appearance or attitude.

  1. Butch as a noun (slang, LGBT, countable):

    A lesbian who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner.

  1. Mannish as an adjective (now, archaic):

    Resembling or characteristic of a human being, in form or nature; human.

  2. Mannish as an adjective:

    Of a woman: resembling or characteristic of a man, masculine.

  3. Mannish as an adjective:

    Resembling or characteristic of a grown man (as opposed to a boy); mature, adult.

  4. Mannish as an adjective (Caribbean, Guyana):

    Impertinent; assertive.


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