The difference between Butch and Macho

When used as nouns, butch means a lesbian who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner, whereas macho means a macho person.

When used as adjectives, butch means very masculine, with a masculine appearance or attitude, whereas macho means tending to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, bravado, etc., in ways that are showily and histrionically tough.

check bellow for the other definitions of Butch and Macho

  1. Butch as an adjective (slang, originally, _, Polari):

    Very masculine, with a masculine appearance or attitude.

  1. Butch as a noun (slang, LGBT, countable):

    A lesbian who appears masculine or acts in a masculine manner.

  1. Macho as an adjective (informal):

    tending to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, bravado, etc., in ways that are showily and histrionically tough

  1. Macho as a noun:

    A macho person; a person who tends to display masculine characteristics, such as domineering, fierceness, and bravado.

  2. Macho as a noun:

    The striped mullet of California (Mugil cephalus, syn. ).

  3. Macho as a noun:

    A male llama.

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