The difference between Asking and Request

When used as nouns, asking means the act or process of posing a question or making a request, whereas request means act of (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).

Request is also verb with the meaning: to express the need or desire for.

check bellow for the other definitions of Asking and Request

  1. Asking as a verb:

  1. Asking as a noun:

    The act or process of posing a question or making a request.


    "His asking was greeted with silence."

  2. Asking as a noun (rare in the singular):

    A request, or petition.

  1. Request as a verb (transitive):

    to express the need or desire for

  2. Request as a verb (transitive):

    to ask somebody to do something

  1. Request as a noun:

    Act of (with the adposition at in the presence of possessives, and on in their absence).

  2. Request as a noun:

    A formal requesting something.

  3. Request as a noun:

    of being sought after.

  4. Request as a noun (obsolete):

    That which is asked for or requested.