The difference between Allowance and Authorization

When used as nouns, allowance means permission, whereas authorization means permission.

Allowance is also verb with the meaning: to put upon a fixed allowance (especially of provisions and drink).

check bellow for the other definitions of Allowance and Authorization

  1. Allowance as a noun:

    permission; granting, conceding, or admitting

  2. Allowance as a noun:


  3. Allowance as a noun:

    That which is allowed; a share or portion allotted or granted; a sum granted as a reimbursement, a bounty, or as appropriate for any purpose; a stated quantity


    "her meagre allowance of food or drink"

  4. Allowance as a noun:

    Abatement; deduction; the taking into account of mitigating circumstances


    "to make allowance for his naivety"

  5. Allowance as a noun (commerce):

    A customary deduction from the gross weight of goods, different in different countries


    "[[tare Tare]] and [[tret]] are examples of allowance."

  6. Allowance as a noun:

    A child's allowance; pocket money.


    "She gives her daughters each an allowance of thirty dollars a month."

  7. Allowance as a noun (minting):

    A permissible deviation in the fineness and weight of coins, owing to the difficulty in securing exact conformity to the standard prescribed by law.

  8. Allowance as a noun (obsolete):

    approval; approbation


    "rfquotek Crabbe"

  9. Allowance as a noun (obsolete):

    license; indulgence


    "rfquotek John Locke"

  1. Allowance as a verb (transitive):

    To put upon a fixed allowance (especially of provisions and drink).


    "The captain was obliged to allowance his crew."

  2. Allowance as a verb (transitive):

    To supply in a fixed and limited quantity.


    "Our provisions were allowanced."

  1. Authorization as a noun (uncountable):



    "I've ''got'' authorization. Call the office and you'll see."

  2. Authorization as a noun (countable):

    An act of authorizing.

  3. Authorization as a noun (countable):

    (A document giving) formal sanction, permission or warrant.


    "Can I see your authorization?"

  4. Authorization as a noun (government):

    Permission, possibly limited, to spend funds for a specific budgetary purpose.


    "We've had the authorization for years, but we've never gotten an appropriation."