The difference between Witchcraft and Wizardry

When used as nouns, witchcraft means the practice of witches, whereas wizardry means the art of a wizard.

check bellow for the other definitions of Witchcraft and Wizardry

  1. Witchcraft as a noun:

    The practice of witches; magic, sorcery or the use of supernatural powers to influence or predict events.


    "Wiccans believe in a modernised form of witchcraft."

  1. Wizardry as a noun:

    The art of a wizard; sorcery.

  2. Wizardry as a noun:

    Something, such as an advanced technology, that gives the appearance of magic.

  3. Wizardry as a noun:

    Great ability in some specified field.


    "He used his computing wizardry to automate the search-and-replace process."