The difference between Washbasin and Washbowl

When used as nouns, washbasin means a basin used for washing, particularly a permanently installed sink, fitted with a water supply and a drain, in which one may wash one's hands and face, whereas washbowl means a sink in a bathroom, connected to a supply of water and a drain, in which one may wash one's face and hands.

check bellow for the other definitions of Washbasin and Washbowl

  1. Washbasin as a noun:

    A basin used for washing, particularly a permanently installed sink, fitted with a water supply and a drain, in which one may wash one's hands and face.

  1. Washbowl as a noun:

    a sink in a bathroom, connected to a supply of water and a drain, in which one may wash one's face and hands.

  2. Washbowl as a noun (British):

    a basin for washing the face and hands; a washbasin or wash-hand basin ()