The difference between Universal and Widespread

When used as adjectives, universal means of or pertaining to the universe, whereas widespread means affecting a large area (e.g. the entire land or body).

Universal is also noun with the meaning: a characteristic or property that particular things have in common.

check bellow for the other definitions of Universal and Widespread

  1. Universal as an adjective:

    Of or pertaining to the universe.

  2. Universal as an adjective:

    Common to all members of a group or class.

  3. Universal as an adjective:

    Common to all society; worldwide


    "She achieved universal fame."

  4. Universal as an adjective:

    unlimited; vast; infinite

  5. Universal as an adjective:

    Useful for many purposes; all-purpose.


    "'universal wrench"

  1. Universal as a noun (philosophy):

    A characteristic or property that particular things have in common.

  1. Widespread as an adjective:

    Affecting a large area (e.g. the entire land or body); broad in extent; widely diffused.