The difference between Track and Tract

When used as nouns, track means a mark left by something that has passed along, whereas tract means an area or expanse.

When used as verbs, track means to observe the (measured) state of a person or object over time, whereas tract means to pursue, follow.

check bellow for the other definitions of Track and Tract

  1. Track as a noun:

    A mark left by something that has passed along.


    "Follow the track of the ship."

    "Can you see any tracks in the snow?"

  2. Track as a noun:

    A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or animal.


    "The fox tracks were still visible in the snow."

  3. Track as a noun:

    The entire lower surface of the foot; said of birds, etc.

  4. Track as a noun:

    A road or other similar beaten path.


    "Follow the track for a hundred metres."

  5. Track as a noun:

    Physical course; way.


    "Astronomers predicted the track of the comet."

  6. Track as a noun:

    A path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc.


    "The athletes ran round the track."

  7. Track as a noun:

    The direction and progress of someone or something; path.

  8. Track as a noun (railways):

    The way or rails along which a train moves.


    "They briefly closed the railway to remove debris found on the track."

  9. Track as a noun:

    A tract or area, such as of land.

  10. Track as a noun:

    Awareness of something, especially when arising from close monitoring.

  11. Track as a noun (automotive):

    The distance between two opposite wheels on a same axletree (also track width)

  12. Track as a noun (automotive):

    Short for caterpillar track.

  13. Track as a noun (cricket):

    The pitch.

  14. Track as a noun:

    Sound stored on a record.

  15. Track as a noun:

    The physical track on a record.

  16. Track as a noun (music):

    A song or other relatively short piece of music, on a record, separated from others by a short silence


    "My favourite track on the album is "Sunshine"."

  17. Track as a noun:

    A circular (never-ending) data storage unit on a side of magnetic or optical disk, divided into sectors.

  18. Track as a noun (uncountable, sports):

    The racing events of track and field; track and field in general.


    "I'm going to try out for track next week."

  19. Track as a noun:

    A session talk on a conference.

  1. Track as a verb (transitive):

    To continue observing over time. To observe the (measured) state of a person or object over time. To monitor the movement of a person or object. To match the movement or change of a person or object. To travel so that a moving object remains in shot. To move.


    "We will track the raven population over the next six months."

    "Agent Miles has been tracking the terrorist since Madrid."

    "My height tracks my father's at my age, so I might end up as tall as him."

    "The camera tracked the ball even as the field of play moved back and forth, keeping the action in shot the entire time."

    "The hurricane tracked further west than expected."

  2. Track as a verb (transitive):

    To follow the tracks of. To discover the location of a person or object. To leave in the form of tracks.


    "My uncle spent all day tracking the deer, whose hoofprints were clear in the mud."

    "I tracked Joe to his friend's bedroom, where he had spent the night."

    "In winter, my cat tracks mud all over the house."

  3. Track as a verb (transitive, or, intransitive):

    To create a musical recording (a track). To create music using tracker software.


    "Lil Kyle is gonna track with that DJ next week."

  1. Tract as a noun:

    An area or expanse.


    "an unexplored tract of sea"

  2. Tract as a noun:

    A series of connected body organs, as in the digestive tract.

  3. Tract as a noun:

    A small booklet such as a pamphlet, often for promotional or informational uses.

  4. Tract as a noun:

    A brief treatise or discourse on a subject.

  5. Tract as a noun:

    A commentator's view or perspective on a subject.

  6. Tract as a noun:

    Continued or protracted duration, length, extent

  7. Tract as a noun:

    Part of the proper of the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist for many Christian denominations, used instead of the alleluia during Lenten or pre-Lenten seasons, in a Requiem Mass, and on a few other penitential occasions.

  8. Tract as a noun (obsolete):

    Continuity or extension of anything.


    "the tract of speech"

    "rfquotek Older"

  9. Tract as a noun (obsolete):

    Traits; features; lineaments.

  10. Tract as a noun (obsolete):

    The footprint of a wild animal.


    "rfquotek Dryden"

  11. Tract as a noun (obsolete):

    Track; trace.

  12. Tract as a noun (obsolete):

    Treatment; exposition.

  1. Tract as a verb (obsolete):

    To pursue, follow; to track.

  2. Tract as a verb (obsolete):

    To draw out; to protract.


    "rfquotek Ben Jonson"