The difference between Sound bite and Takeaway

When used as nouns, sound bite means an extract from a speech or interview used as edited into a news or other broadcast, whereas takeaway means a restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere.

Takeaway is also adjective with the meaning: to be eaten off the premises.

check bellow for the other definitions of Sound bite and Takeaway

  1. Sound bite as a noun (journalism, television):

    An extract from a speech or interview used as edited into a news or other broadcast; an interview clip, especially seen as particularly expressive or pithy.

  2. Sound bite as a noun (often, _, pejorative):

    A one-liner deliberately produced for this purpose; a statement specifically intended to be punchy and memorable.

  3. Sound bite as a noun:

  1. Takeaway as an adjective (chiefly, UK, Australia, and, New Zealand, of food):

    To be eaten off the premises.

  1. Takeaway as a noun (chiefly, UK, Australia, and, New Zealand):

    A restaurant that sells food to be eaten elsewhere.


    "If you're hungry, there's a takeaway just around the corner."

  2. Takeaway as a noun (chiefly, UK, Australia, and, New Zealand):

    A meal bought to be eaten elsewhere.


    "I fancy an Indian takeaway tonight."

  3. Takeaway as a noun (golf):

    The preliminary part of a golfer′s swing when the club is brought back away from the ball.

  4. Takeaway as a noun (US):

    A concession made by a labor union in the course of negotiations.

  5. Takeaway as a noun (frequently, _, plural):

    An idea from a talk, presentation, etc., that the listener or reader should remember and consider.