The difference between Significantly and Way

When used as adverbs, significantly means in a significant manner or to a significant extent, whereas way means much.

Way is also interjection with the meaning: it is true.

Way is also noun with the meaning: a road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another.

Way is also verb with the meaning: to travel.

check bellow for the other definitions of Significantly and Way

  1. Significantly as an adverb:

    In a significant manner or to a significant extent.

  1. Way as a noun:

    To do with a place or places. A road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another. A means to enter or leave a place. A roughly-defined geographical area.


    "nowrap Do you know the way to the airport?  nowrap Come this way and I'll show you a shortcut.  nowrap It's a long way from here."

    "We got into the cinema through the back way."

    "If you're ever 'round this way, come over and visit me."

  2. Way as a noun:

    A method or manner of doing something; a mannerism.


    "nowrap You're going about it the wrong way.  nowrap He's known for his quirky ways.  nowrap I don't like the way she looks at me."

  3. Way as a noun:

    A state or condition


    "When I returned home, I found my house and belongings in a most terrible way."

  4. Way as a noun:

    Personal interaction. Possibility (usually in the phrases 'any way' and 'no way'). Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct.


    "There's no way I'm going to clean up after you."

    "My little sister always whines until she gets her way."

  5. Way as a noun (paganism):

    A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.

  6. Way as a noun (nautical):

    Speed, progress, momentum.

  7. Way as a noun:

    A degree, an amount, a sense.


    "In a large way, crocodiles and alligators are similar."

  8. Way as a noun (US, As the head of an interjectory clause):


    "'Way to ruin the moment, guys."

  9. Way as a noun (plural only):

    The timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched.

  10. Way as a noun (plural only):

    The longitudinal guiding surfaces on the bed of a planer, lathe, etc. along which a table or carriage moves.

  1. Way as a verb (obsolete):

    To travel.

  1. Way as an adverb (informal, with comparative or modified adjective):



    "I'm way too tired to do that."

    "I'm a way better singer than Emma."

  2. Way as an adverb (slang, with positive adjective):



    "I'm way tired"

    "String theory is way cool, except for the math."

  3. Way as an adverb (informal):



    "I used to live way over there."

    "The farmhouse is way down the bottom of the hill."

  1. Way as a noun:

    The letter for the w sound in Pitman shorthand.

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