The difference between Resolve and Tenacity

When used as nouns, resolve means determination, will power, whereas tenacity means the quality or state of being tenacious, or persistence of purpose.

Resolve is also verb with the meaning: to find a solution to (a problem).

check bellow for the other definitions of Resolve and Tenacity

  1. Resolve as a verb (transitive):

    To find a solution to (a problem).

  2. Resolve as a verb (transitive):

    To reduce to simple or intelligible notions; to make clear or certain; to unravel; to explain.


    "to resolve a riddle"

  3. Resolve as a verb (transitive):

    To solve again.


    "I’ll have to resolve the equation with the new values."

  4. Resolve as a verb (intransitive):

    To make a firm decision to do something.


    "I resolve to finish this work before I go home."

  5. Resolve as a verb (transitive):

    To determine or decide in purpose; to make ready in mind; to fix; to settle.


    "He was resolved by an unexpected event."

  6. Resolve as a verb:

    To come to an agreement or make peace; patch up relationship, settle differences, bury the hatchet.


    "After two weeks of [[bicker]]ing, they finally resolved their differences."

  7. Resolve as a verb (transitive, intransitive, reflexive):

    To break down into constituent parts; to decompose; to disintegrate; to return to a simpler constitution or a primeval state.

  8. Resolve as a verb:

    To cause to perceive or understand; to acquaint; to inform; to convince; to assure; to make certain.

  9. Resolve as a verb (music):

    To cause a chord to go from dissonance to consonance.

  10. Resolve as a verb (optics):

    To render visible or distinguishable the parts of something.

  11. Resolve as a verb (computing):

    To find the IP address of a hostname, or the entity referred to by a symbol in source code; to look up.

  12. Resolve as a verb (rare, transitive):

    To melt; to dissolve; to liquefy or soften (a solid).

  13. Resolve as a verb (rare, intransitive, reflexive):

    To melt; to dissolve; to become liquid.

  14. Resolve as a verb (obsolete, transitive):

    To liquefy (a gas or vapour).

  15. Resolve as a verb (medicine, dated):

    To disperse or scatter; to discuss, as an inflammation or a tumour.

  16. Resolve as a verb (obsolete):

    To relax; to lay at ease.


    "rfquotek Ben Jonson"

  17. Resolve as a verb (chemistry):

    To separate racemic compounds into their enantiomers.

  1. Resolve as a noun:

    Determination, will power.


    "It took all my resolve to go through with the surgery."

  1. Tenacity as a noun:

    The quality or state of being tenacious, or persistence of purpose; tenaciousness.

  2. Tenacity as a noun:

    The quality of bodies which keeps them from parting without considerable force, as distinguished from brittleness, fragility, mobility, etc.

  3. Tenacity as a noun:

    The effect of this attraction, cohesiveness.

  4. Tenacity as a noun:

    The quality of bodies which makes them adhere to other bodies; adhesiveness, viscosity.

  5. Tenacity as a noun (physics):

    The greatest longitudinal stress a substance can bear without tearing asunder, usually expressed with reference to a unit area of the cross section of the substance, as the number of pounds per square inch, or kilograms per square centimeter, necessary to produce rupture.