The difference between Relation and Relative

When used as nouns, relation means the manner in which two things may be associated, whereas relative means someone in the same family.

Relative is also adjective with the meaning: connected to or depending on something else.

check bellow for the other definitions of Relation and Relative

  1. Relation as a noun:

    The manner in which two things may be associated.


    "The relation between diet and health is complex."

  2. Relation as a noun:

    A member of one's family.


    "Yes, he's a relation of mine, but only a distant one."

  3. Relation as a noun:

    The act of relating a story.


    "Your relation of the events is different from mine."

  4. Relation as a noun (set theory):

    A set of ordered tuples.

  5. Relation as a noun (set theory):

    Specifically, a set of ordered pairs.


    "Equality is a symmetric relation, while divisibility is not."

  6. Relation as a noun (databases):

    A set of ordered tuples retrievable by a relational database; a table.


    "This relation uses the customer's social security number as a key."

  7. Relation as a noun (mathematics):

    A statement of equality of two products of generators, used in the presentation of a group.

  8. Relation as a noun (category theory):

    A subobject of a product of objects.

  9. Relation as a noun (usually collocated: sexual relation):

    The act of intercourse.

  1. Relative as an adjective:

    Connected to or depending on something else; comparative.

  2. Relative as an adjective (computing, of a URL, URI, path, or similar):

    Expressed in relation to another item, rather than in complete form.


    "The relative URL <tt>/images/pic.jpg</tt>, when evaluated in the context of <tt>http&#x3A;//</tt>, corresponds to the absolute URL <tt>http&#x3A;//</tt>."

  3. Relative as an adjective (grammar):

    That relates to an antecedent.

  4. Relative as an adjective (music):

    Having the same key but differing in being major or minor.

  5. Relative as an adjective:

    Relevant; pertinent; related.


    "'relative to your earlier point about taxes, ..."

  6. Relative as an adjective:

    Capable to be changed by other beings or circumstance; conditional.

  1. Relative as a noun:

    Someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption.


    "Why do my relatives always talk about sex?"

  2. Relative as a noun (linguistics):

    A type of adjective that inflects like a relative clause, rather than a true adjective, in certain Bantu languages.