The difference between Plummet and Rise

When used as nouns, plummet means a piece of lead attached to a line, used in sounding the depth of water, a plumb bob or a plumb line, whereas rise means the process of or an action or instance of moving upwards or becoming greater.

When used as verbs, plummet means to drop swiftly, in a direct manner, whereas rise means to move, or appear to move, physically upwards relative to the ground. to move upwards. to grow upward.

check bellow for the other definitions of Plummet and Rise

  1. Plummet as a noun (archaic):

    A piece of lead attached to a line, used in sounding the depth of water, a plumb bob or a plumb line

  2. Plummet as a noun (archaic):

    Hence, any weight

  3. Plummet as a noun (archaic):

    A piece of lead formerly used by school children to rule paper for writing (that is, to mark with rules, with lines)

  4. Plummet as a noun:

    A plummet line, a line with a plummet; a sounding line

  5. Plummet as a noun:

    Violent or dramatic fall

  6. Plummet as a noun (figuratively):

    A decline; a fall; a drop

  1. Plummet as a verb (intransitive):

    To drop swiftly, in a direct manner; to fall quickly.


    "After its ascent, the arrow plummeted to earth."

  1. Rise as a verb (intransitive):

    To move, or appear to move, physically upwards relative to the ground. To move upwards. To grow upward; to attain a certain height. To slope upward. To appear to move upwards from behind the horizon of a planet as a result of the planet's rotation. To become erect; to assume an upright position. To leave one's bed; to get up. To be resurrected. To terminate an official sitting; to adjourn.


    "We watched the balloon rise."

    "This elm tree rises to a height of seventy feet."

    "The path rises as you approach the foot of the hill."

    "The sun was rising in the East."

    "to rise from a chair or from a fall"

    "he rose from the grave; he is risen!"

    "The committee rose after agreeing to the report."

  2. Rise as a verb (intransitive):

    To increase in value or standing. To attain a higher status. Of a quantity, price, etc., to increase. To become more and more dignified or forcible; to increase in interest or power; said of style, thought, or discourse. To ascend on a musical scale; to take a higher pitch.


    "to rise in force of expression; to rise in eloquence; a story rises in interest."

    "to rise a tone or semitone"

  3. Rise as a verb (of a river):

    To begin; to develop. To develop. To swell or puff up in the process of fermentation; to become light. To have its source (in a particular place). To become perceptible to the senses, other than sight. To become agitated, opposed, or hostile; to go to war; to take up arms; to rebel. To come to mind; to be suggested; to occur.


    "Has that dough risen yet?"

    "a noise rose on the air; odour rises from the flower"

  4. Rise as a verb (transitive):

    To go up; to ascend; to climb.


    "to rise a hill"

  5. Rise as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to go up or ascend.


    "to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water"

    "to rise a ship, or bring it above the horizon by approaching it"

  6. Rise as a verb (obsolete):

    To retire; to give up a siege.

  7. Rise as a verb:

    To come; to offer itself.

  8. Rise as a verb (printing, dated):

    To be lifted, or capable of being lifted, from the imposing stone without dropping any of the type; said of a form.

  1. Rise as a noun:

    The process of or an action or instance of moving upwards or becoming greater.


    "The rise of the tide."

    "There was a rise of nearly two degrees since yesterday."

    "Exercise is usually accompanied by a temporary rise in blood pressure."

  2. Rise as a noun:

    The process of or an action or instance of coming to prominence.


    "The rise of the working class."

    "The rise of the printing press."

    "The rise of the feminists."

  3. Rise as a noun (chiefly, UK):

    An increase (in a quantity, price, etc).

  4. Rise as a noun:

    The amount of material extending from waist to crotch in a pair of trousers or shorts.


    "The rise of his pants was so low that his tailbone was exposed."

  5. Rise as a noun (UK, Ireland, Australia):

    An increase in someone's pay rate; a raise (US).


    "The governor just gave me a rise of two pound six."

  6. Rise as a noun (Sussex):

    A small hill; used chiefly in place names.

  7. Rise as a noun:

    An area of terrain that tends upward away from the viewer, such that it conceals the region behind it; a slope.

  8. Rise as a noun (informal):

    An angry reaction.


    "I knew that would get a rise out of him."

  1. Rise as a noun: