The difference between Pincher and Snitch

When used as nouns, pincher means a person or thing that pinches, as in squeezing, whereas snitch means a thief.

Snitch is also verb with the meaning: to steal, quickly and quietly.

check bellow for the other definitions of Pincher and Snitch

  1. Pincher as a noun:

    A person or thing that pinches, as in squeezing; e.g. a miser or penny pincher.

  2. Pincher as a noun:

    A person or thing that pinches, as in stealing; e.g. a thief or kleptomaniac.

  3. Pincher as a noun:

  1. Snitch as a verb (transitive):

    To steal, quickly and quietly.

  2. Snitch as a verb (transitive):

    To inform on, especially in betrayal of others.

  3. Snitch as a verb (slang, transitive):

    To contact or cooperate with the police for any reason.

  1. Snitch as a noun:

    A thief.

  2. Snitch as a noun:

    An informer, usually one who betrays his group.

  3. Snitch as a noun (British):

    A nose.

  4. Snitch as a noun:

    A tiny morsel.