The difference between Pig in a poke and Sell someone a pup

Pig in a poke is also noun with the meaning: something whose true value is concealed or unknown and may be lower than expected by the buyer or claimed by the seller, especially something offered for sale.

Sell someone a pup is also verb with the meaning: to sell something of little worth, pretending that it is something else of greater value.

check bellow for the other definitions of Pig in a poke and Sell someone a pup

  1. Pig in a poke as a noun (idiomatic):

    Something whose true value is concealed or unknown and may be lower than expected by the buyer or claimed by the seller, especially something offered for sale.

  1. Sell someone a pup as a verb (UK):

    To sell something of little worth, pretending that it is something else of greater value.

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