The difference between Peace of mind and Repose

When used as nouns, peace of mind means the absence of mental turmoil or anxiety, whereas repose means rest, sleep.

Repose is also verb with the meaning: to lie at rest.

check bellow for the other definitions of Peace of mind and Repose

  1. Peace of mind as a noun (set phrase):

    The absence of mental turmoil or anxiety.

  1. Repose as a noun (dated):

    rest, sleep

  2. Repose as a noun:

    quietness, ease; peace, calmness

  3. Repose as a noun (geology):

    period between eruptions of a volcano.

  1. Repose as a verb:

    To lie at rest; to rest.

  2. Repose as a verb:

    To lie; to be supported.


    "trap reposing on sand"

  3. Repose as a verb:

    To lay, to set down.

  4. Repose as a verb:

    To place, have, or rest; to set; to entrust.

  5. Repose as a verb:

    To reside in something.

  6. Repose as a verb (figuratively):

    To remain or abide restfully without anxiety or alarms.

  7. Repose as a verb:

    To die