The difference between Pap and Pop

When used as nouns, pap means food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children, whereas pop means a loud, sharp sound as of a cork coming out of a bottle.

When used as verbs, pap means to feed with pap, whereas pop means to make a pop, or sharp, quick sound.

When used as adjectives, pap means spineless, wet, without character, whereas pop means popular.

Pop is also interjection with the meaning: used to represent a loud, sharp sound, as of a cork coming out of a bottle.

check bellow for the other definitions of Pap and Pop

  1. Pap as a noun (uncountable):

    Food in the form of a soft paste, often a porridge, especially as given to very young children.


    "Pap can be made from bread boiled in milk or water."

  2. Pap as a noun (uncountable, colloquial):


  3. Pap as a noun (South Africa):



    "Pap and [[wors]] are traditionally eaten at a [[braai]]."

  4. Pap as a noun (informal, derogatory):

    support from official patronage


    "Treasury pap"

  5. Pap as a noun:

    The pulp of fruit.


    "rfquotek Ainsworth"

  1. Pap as an adjective (slang, South Africa):

    Spineless, wet, without character.

  1. Pap as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To feed with pap.


    "rfquotek Beaumont and Fletcher"

  1. Pap as a noun (now, _, archaic):

    A female breast or nipple.

  2. Pap as a noun (now, _, rare, archaic):

    A man's breast.

  3. Pap as a noun:

    A rounded, nipple-like hill or peak.


    "rfquotek Macaulay"

  1. Pap as a noun:

    Pap smear

  1. Pap as an adjective (South African slang):



    "I got a puncture and the wheel went pap."

  1. Pap as a noun (informal):

    A paparazzo.

  1. Pap as a verb (informal, usually, in the passive):

    Of a paparazzo, to take a surreptitious photograph of (someone, especially a celebrity) without their consent.


    "Look, that pop star’s been papped in her bikini again!"

  1. Pap as a noun (informal):

    pa; father

  1. Pop as a noun (countable):

    A loud, sharp sound as of a cork coming out of a bottle.


    "Listen to the pop of a champagne cork."

  2. Pop as a noun (uncountable, regional, Midwest US, Canada, British):

    An effervescent or fizzy drink, most frequently nonalcoholic; soda pop.


    "Lunch was sandwiches and a bottle of pop."

  3. Pop as a noun (countable, regional, Midwest US, Canada):

    A bottle, can, or serving of effervescent or fizzy drink, most frequently nonalcoholic; soda pop.


    "Go in the store and buy us three pops."

  4. Pop as a noun:

    Shortened from : a quick, possibly unaimed, shot with a firearm. Possibly confusion, by assonance, with as in .


    "The man with the gun took a pop at the rabbit."

  5. Pop as a noun (colloquial, in the phrase "a pop"):

    A quantity dispensed, a portion, apiece.


    "They cost 50 pence a pop."

  6. Pop as a noun:

    Something that stands out or is distinctive, especially to the senses.


    "a white dress with a pop of red"

    "a pop of vanilla flavour"

  7. Pop as a noun (computing):

    The removal of a data item from the top of a stack.

  8. Pop as a noun:

    A bird, the European redwing.

  9. Pop as a noun (physics):

    The sixth derivative of the position vector with respect to time (after velocity, acceleration, jerk, jounce, crackle), i.e. the rate of change of crackle.

  1. Pop as a verb (intransitive):

    To make a pop, or sharp, quick sound.


    "The muskets popped away on all sides."

  2. Pop as a verb (ergative):

    To burst (something) with a popping sound.


    "The boy with the pin popped the balloon."

    "This corn pops well."

  3. Pop as a verb (intransitive, with ''in'', ''out'', ''upon'', etc.):

    To enter, or issue forth, with a quick, sudden movement; to move from place to place suddenly; to dart.


    "A rabbit popped out of the hole."

  4. Pop as a verb (transitive, UK):

    To place (something) (somewhere); to move or position (something) with a short movement.


    "Just pop it in the fridge for now."

    "He popped his head around the door."

  5. Pop as a verb (intransitive, UK, Canada, often with ''over'', ''round'', ''along'', etc.):

    To make a short trip or visit.


    "I'm just popping round to the newsagent."

    "I'll pop by your place later today."

  6. Pop as a verb (intransitive):

    To stand out; to be distinctive to the senses.


    "This colour really pops."

  7. Pop as a verb (transitive):

    To hit (something or someone).


    "He popped me on the nose."

  8. Pop as a verb (transitive, slang):

    To shoot (usually somebody) with a firearm.

  9. Pop as a verb (intransitive, vulgar):

    To ejaculate.

  10. Pop as a verb (transitive, computing):

    To remove (a data item) from the top of a stack.

  11. Pop as a verb (transitive, computing):

    To remove a data item from the top of (a stack).

  12. Pop as a verb (transitive, slang):

    To pawn (something) (to raise money).


    "I had to pop my watch to see me through until pay-day."

  13. Pop as a verb (transitive, slang):

    To swallow (a tablet of a drug).

  14. Pop as a verb (transitive, informal):

    To perform (a move or stunt) while riding a board or vehicle.

  15. Pop as a verb (intransitive, of the [[ear]]s):

    To undergo equalization of pressure when the Eustachian tubes open.


    "My ears popped as the aeroplane began to ascend."

  1. Pop as a noun (colloquial):

    Affectionate form of father.


    "My pop used to tell me to do my homework every night."

  1. Pop as an adjective (used attributively in set phrases):


  1. Pop as a noun:

    Pop music.

  1. Pop as a noun (Russian Orthodoxy, uncommon):

    A Russian Orthodox priest; a parson.

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