The difference between Painfree and Painful

When used as adjectives, painfree means painless, whereas painful means causing pain or distress, either physical or mental.

check bellow for the other definitions of Painfree and Painful

  1. Painfree as an adjective:


  1. Painful as an adjective:

    Causing pain or distress, either physical or mental.

  2. Painful as an adjective:

    Afflicted or suffering with pain (of a body part or, formerly, of a person).

  3. Painful as an adjective:

    Requiring effort or labor; difficult, laborious.

  4. Painful as an adjective (now, _, rare):

    Painstaking; careful; industrious.

  5. Painful as an adjective (informal):

    Very bad, poor.


    "His violin playing is painful."