The difference between Order and Rank

When used as nouns, order means arrangement, disposition, or sequence, whereas rank means a row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers [the corresponding term for the perpendicular columns in such a pattern is "file"].

When used as verbs, order means to set in some sort of order, whereas rank means to place abreast, or in a line.

Rank is also adverb with the meaning: quickly, eagerly, impetuously.

Rank is also adjective with the meaning: strong of its kind or in character.

check bellow for the other definitions of Order and Rank

  1. Order as a noun (countable):

    Arrangement, disposition, or sequence.

  2. Order as a noun (countable):

    A position in an arrangement, disposition, or sequence.

  3. Order as a noun (uncountable):

    The state of being well arranged.


    "The house is in order; the machinery is out of order."

  4. Order as a noun (countable):

    Conformity with law or decorum; freedom from disturbance; general tranquillity; public quiet.


    "to preserve order in a community or an assembly"

  5. Order as a noun (countable):

    A command.

  6. Order as a noun (countable):

    A request for some product or service; a commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods.

  7. Order as a noun (countable):

    A group of religious adherents, especially monks or nuns, set apart within their religion by adherence to a particular rule or set of principles


    "St. Ignatius Loyola founded the Jesuit order in 1537."

  8. Order as a noun (countable):

    An association of knights


    "the Order of the Garter, the Order of the Bath."

  9. Order as a noun:

    any group of people with common interests.

  10. Order as a noun (countable):

    A decoration, awarded by a government, a dynastic house, or a religious body to an individual, usually for distinguished service to a nation or to humanity.

  11. Order as a noun (countable, taxonomy):

    A rank in the classification of organisms, below class and above family; a taxon at that rank.


    "Magnolias belong to the order Magnoliales."

  12. Order as a noun:

    A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position; a rank; a row; a grade; especially, a rank or class in society; a distinct character, kind, or sort.


    "the higher or lower orders of society"

    "talent of a high order"

  13. Order as a noun:

    An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop; the office of the Christian ministry; often used in the plural.


    "to take orders, or to take holy orders, that is, to enter some grade of the ministry"

  14. Order as a noun (architecture):

    The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture; hence (as the column and entablature are the characteristic features of classical architecture) a style or manner of architectural designing.

  15. Order as a noun (cricket):

    The sequence in which a side's batsmen bat; the batting order.

  16. Order as a noun (electronics):

    a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit's block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc.


    "a 3-stage cascade of a 2nd-order bandpass Butterworth filter."

  17. Order as a noun (chemistry):

    The overall power of the rate law of a chemical reaction, expressed as a polynomial function of concentrations of reactants and products.

  18. Order as a noun (set theory):

    The cardinality, or number of elements in a set, group, or other structure regardable as a set.

  19. Order as a noun (group theory, of an element of a group):

    For given group G and element g ∈ G, the smallest positive natural number n, if it exists, such that (using multiplicative notation), gn = e, where e is the identity element of G; if no such number exists, the element is said to be of infinite order (or sometimes zero order).

  20. Order as a noun (graph theory):

    The number of vertices in a graph.

  21. Order as a noun (order theory):

    A partially ordered set.

  22. Order as a noun (order theory):

    The relation on a partially ordered set that determines that it is, in fact, a partially ordered set.

  23. Order as a noun (algebra):

    The sum of the exponents on the variables in a monomial, or the highest such among all monomials in a polynomial.


    "A quadratic polynomial, <math>a x^2 + b x +c,</math> is said to be of order (or degree) 2."

  1. Order as a verb (transitive):

    To set in some sort of order.

  2. Order as a verb (transitive):

    To arrange, set in proper order.

  3. Order as a verb (transitive):

    To issue a command to.


    "to order troops to advance"

    "He ordered me to leave."

  4. Order as a verb (transitive):

    To request some product or service; to secure by placing an order.


    "to order groceries"

  5. Order as a verb:

    To admit to holy orders; to ordain; to receive into the ranks of the ministry.

  1. Rank as an adjective:

    Strong of its kind or in character; unmitigated; virulent; thorough; utter (used of negative things).


    "'rank treason"

    "'rank nonsense"

  2. Rank as an adjective:

    Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.


    "'rank grass"

    "'rank weeds"

  3. Rank as an adjective:

    Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy; plethoric.

  4. Rank as an adjective:

    Causing strong growth; producing luxuriantly; rich and fertile.


    "'rank land"

    "rfquotek Mortimer"

  5. Rank as an adjective:

    Strong to the senses; offensive; noisome.

  6. Rank as an adjective:

    Having a very strong and bad taste or odor.


    "Your gym clothes are rank, bro – when'd you last wash 'em?"

  7. Rank as an adjective:

    Complete, used as an intensifier (usually negative, referring to incompetence).


    "I am a rank amateur as a wordsmith."

  8. Rank as an adjective (informal):

    Gross, disgusting.

  9. Rank as an adjective (obsolete):

    Strong; powerful; capable of acting or being used with great effect; energetic; vigorous; headstrong.

  10. Rank as an adjective (obsolete):

    Inflamed with venereal appetite.


    "rfquotek Shakespeare"

  1. Rank as an adverb (obsolete):

    Quickly, eagerly, impetuously.

  1. Rank as a noun:

    A row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers [the corresponding term for the perpendicular columns in such a pattern is "file"].


    "The front rank kneeled to reload while the second rank fired over their heads."

  2. Rank as a noun (music):

    In a pipe organ, a set of pipes of a certain quality for which each pipe corresponds to one key or pedal.

  3. Rank as a noun:

    One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality


    "Based on your test scores, you have a rank of 23."

    "The fancy hotel was of the first rank."

  4. Rank as a noun:

    The level of one's position in a class-based society

  5. Rank as a noun:

    a hierarchical level in an organization such as the military


    "Private First Class (PFC) is the lowest rank in the Marines."

    "He rose up through the ranks of the company from mailroom clerk to CEO."

  6. Rank as a noun (taxonomy):

    a level in a scientific taxonomy system


    "Phylum is the taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class."

  7. Rank as a noun (linear algebra):

    Maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix.

  8. Rank as a noun (mathematics):

    The dimensionality of an array or tensor.

  9. Rank as a noun (mathematics):

    The size of any basis of a given matroid.

  10. Rank as a noun (chess):

    one of the eight horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those identified by a number). The analog vertical lines are the files.

  11. Rank as a noun (typically in the plural):

    A category of people, such as those who share an occupation.

  1. Rank as a verb:

    To place abreast, or in a line.

  2. Rank as a verb:

    To have a ranking.


    "Their defense ranked third in the league."

  3. Rank as a verb:

    To assign a suitable place in a class or order; to classify.

  4. Rank as a verb (US):

    To take rank of; to outrank.

Compare words: