The difference between Oration and Sermon

When used as nouns, oration means a formal, often ceremonial speech, whereas sermon means religious discourse.

When used as verbs, oration means to deliver an oration, whereas sermon means to discourse to or of, as in a sermon.

check bellow for the other definitions of Oration and Sermon

  1. Oration as a noun:

    A formal, often ceremonial speech.


    "a funeral oration; an impassioned oration; to make / deliver / pronounce an oration"

  2. Oration as a noun (jocular):

    A lengthy speech or argument in a private setting.

  3. Oration as a noun (Catholicism):

    A specific form of short, solemn prayer said by the president of the liturgical celebration on behalf of the people.

  1. Oration as a verb:

    To deliver an oration; to speak.

  1. Sermon as a noun:

    Religious discourse; a written or spoken address on a religious or moral matter.

  2. Sermon as a noun:

    A lengthy speech of reproval.

  1. Sermon as a verb (poetic, obsolete):

    To discourse to or of, as in a sermon.


    "rfquotek Spenser"

  2. Sermon as a verb (poetic, obsolete):

    To tutor; to lecture.