The difference between Orate and Preach

When used as verbs, orate means to speak formally, whereas preach means to give a sermon.

Orate is also adjective with the meaning: competent in oracy.

Preach is also noun with the meaning: a religious discourse.

check bellow for the other definitions of Orate and Preach

  1. Orate as a verb:

    To speak formally; to give a speech.

  2. Orate as a verb:

    To speak passionately; to preach for or against something.

  1. Orate as an adjective:

    Competent in oracy; having good speaking skills.

  1. Preach as a verb (intransitive):

    To give a sermon.


    "A learned local Muslim used to preach in the small mosque every Friday."

  2. Preach as a verb (transitive):

    To proclaim by public discourse; to utter in a sermon or a formal religious harangue.

  3. Preach as a verb (transitive):

    To advise or recommend earnestly.

  4. Preach as a verb (transitive):

    To teach or instruct by preaching; to inform by preaching.

  1. Preach as a noun (obsolete):

    A religious discourse.


    "rfquotek Hooker"

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