The difference between Obeyance and Submission

When used as nouns, obeyance means obedience, whereas submission means the act of submitting or yielding.

check bellow for the other definitions of Obeyance and Submission

  1. Obeyance as a noun:


  1. Obeyance as a noun (nonstandard):


  1. Submission as a noun:

    The act of submitting or yielding; surrender.

  2. Submission as a noun:

    The act of submitting or giving e.g. a completed piece of work.


    "Any submissions received after Friday will have marks deducted for lateness."

  3. Submission as a noun:

    The thing which has been submitted.

  4. Submission as a noun:

    A submission hold in wrestling, mixed martial arts, or other combat sports.

  1. Submission as a noun:

    A subset or component of a mission.