The difference between Notable and Noteworthy

When used as nouns, notable means a person or thing of distinction, whereas noteworthy means a noteworthy person.

When used as adjectives, notable means worthy of notice, whereas noteworthy means deserving attention.

check bellow for the other definitions of Notable and Noteworthy

  1. Notable as an adjective:

    Worthy of notice; remarkable; memorable; noted or distinguished.

  2. Notable as an adjective (dated):

    Capable of being noted; noticeable; plain; evident.

  1. Notable as a noun:

    A person or thing of distinction.

  1. Notable as an adjective (obsolete):

    Useful; profitable.

  2. Notable as an adjective:

    Prudent; clever; capable; industrious; thrifty.

  1. Noteworthy as an adjective:

    Deserving attention; notable; worthy of notice.


    "Zukertort represent the other most noteworthy tournaments."

  1. Noteworthy as a noun:

    A noteworthy person.