The difference between Negligible and Significant

When used as adjectives, negligible means able to be neglected, ignored or excluded from consideration, whereas significant means signifying something.

Significant is also noun with the meaning: that which has significance.

check bellow for the other definitions of Negligible and Significant

  1. Negligible as an adjective:

    Able to be neglected, ignored or excluded from consideration; too small or unimportant to be of concern.


    "We found errors, but their effects were negligible."

  1. Significant as an adjective:

    Signifying something; carrying meaning.


    "a significant word or sound; a significant look"

  2. Significant as an adjective:

    Having a covert or hidden meaning.

  3. Significant as an adjective:

    Having a noticeable or major effect; notable.


    "That was a significant step in the right direction."

    "The First World War was a significant event."

  4. Significant as an adjective:

    Reasonably large in number or amount.

  5. Significant as an adjective (statistics):

    Having a low probability of occurring by chance (for example, having high correlation and thus likely to be related).

  1. Significant as a noun:

    That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.


    "rfquotek Wordsworth"