The difference between Midget and Pygmy

When used as nouns, midget means a little sandfly, whereas pygmy means a member of one of various ancient equatorial african tribal peoples, notable for their very short stature.

Pygmy is also adjective with the meaning: relating or belonging to the pygmy people.

check bellow for the other definitions of Midget and Pygmy

  1. Midget as a noun (originally):

    A little sandfly.


    "Although tiny and just two-winged, midgets can bite you till you itch all over your unprotected skin."

  2. Midget as a noun (loosely):

    Any small swarming insect similar to the mosquito; a midge

  3. Midget as a noun:

    A normally proportioned person with small stature, usually defined as reaching an adult height less than 4'10".

  4. Midget as a noun (sometimes derogatory):

    Any short person.

  5. Midget as a noun (attributively):

    A small version of something; miniature.


    "the midget pony"

  1. Pygmy as a noun (often, _, capitalized):

    A member of one of various Ancient Equatorial African tribal peoples, notable for their very short stature.


    "The Bantu immigration drove many Pygmy tribes into the darkest jungle, while other Pygmies were reduced to cohabitation in a subservient status"

  2. Pygmy as a noun (Greek mythology):

    A member of a race of dwarfs.


    "Homer and Herodote mentioned pygmies in India (which would fit the Andamanese Negritoes) or Ethiopia (then meaning all of Subsaharan Africa)."

  3. Pygmy as a noun (figuratively, derogatory, offensive):

    Any dwarfish person or thing.


    "Everyone looked like pygmies whenever giant Joe joined his classmates."

  4. Pygmy as a noun (figuratively, derogatory, offensive):

    An insignificant person, at least in some respect.


    "Despite his towering stature, the minister proved a political pygmy."

  1. Pygmy as an adjective:

    Relating or belonging to the Pygmy people

  2. Pygmy as an adjective:

    Like a pygmy; unusually short or small for its kind


    "Soil exhaustion ultimately produces a pygmy crop at best"