The difference between Male answer syndrome and Mansplaining

When used as nouns, male answer syndrome means a male compulsion to answer questions regardless of whether one knows the answer, whereas mansplaining means the act of condescendingly explaining something, particularly by a man to a female listener in order to appear knowledgable or from a mistaken presumption that she has an inferior understanding of the topic.

check bellow for the other definitions of Male answer syndrome and Mansplaining

  1. Male answer syndrome as a noun (sometimes, capitalized, derogatory):

    A male compulsion to answer questions regardless of whether one knows the answer.

  1. Mansplaining as a noun (informal, pejorative):

    The act of condescendingly explaining something, particularly by a man to a female listener in order to appear knowledgable or from a mistaken presumption that she has an inferior understanding of the topic.

  1. Mansplaining as a verb:

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