The difference between Lipothymia and Syncope

When used as nouns, lipothymia means a swoon due to transient cerebral hypoperfusion, whereas syncope means a loss of consciousness when someone faints, a swoon.

check bellow for the other definitions of Lipothymia and Syncope

  1. Lipothymia as a noun (pathology):

    A swoon due to transient cerebral hypoperfusion

  1. Syncope as a noun (pathology):

    A loss of consciousness when someone faints, a swoon.

  2. Syncope as a noun (prosody, phonology):

    The loss or elision of a sound from the interior of a word, for example by changing to , to , or the pronunciation of the ending in placenames as (for example, Leicester).

  3. Syncope as a noun (music):

    A missed beat or off-beat stress in music resulting in syncopation.

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