The difference between Liable and Likely

When used as adjectives, liable means bound or obliged in law or equity, whereas likely means probable.

Likely is also noun with the meaning: something or somebody considered likely.

Likely is also adverb with the meaning: similarly.

check bellow for the other definitions of Liable and Likely

  1. Liable as an adjective:

    bound or obliged in law or equity; responsible; answerable.


    "The surety is liable for the debt of his principal."

  2. Liable as an adjective:

    subject; susceptible.


    "This crime is liable to imprisonment for life."

    "A man liable to heart disease."

  3. Liable as an adjective:

    exposed to a certain contingency or causality, more or less probable.

  4. Liable as an adjective (as predicate, with "to" and an infinitive):



    "Someone is liable to slip on your icy sidewalk."

  1. Likely as an adjective:

    probable; having a greater-than-even chance of occurring


    "Rain is likely later this afternoon."

  2. Likely as an adjective (as predicate, followed by ''to'' and infinitive):

    Reasonably to be expected; apparently destined, probable


    "They are likely to become angry with him."

    "He is likely to succeed at anything he tries."

  3. Likely as an adjective:

    appropriate, suitable; believable; having a good potential


    "Jones is a likely candidate for management."

  4. Likely as an adjective:

    plausible; within the realm of credibility


    "not a very likely excuse."

  5. Likely as an adjective:

    promising; apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome


    "a likely topic for investigation."

  6. Likely as an adjective:

    attractive; pleasant


    "found a likely spot under a shady tree for the picnic."

  7. Likely as an adjective (obsolete):

    Similar; like; alike.


    "rfquotek Edmund Spenser"

  1. Likely as a noun:

    Something or somebody considered likely.

  1. Likely as an adverb (obsolete):


  2. Likely as an adverb:



    "'Likely he’ll win the election in this economy."

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