The difference between Levee and Levy

When used as nouns, levee means an embankment to prevent inundation, whereas levy means the act of levying.

When used as verbs, levee means to keep within a channel by means of levees, whereas levy means to impose (a tax or fine) to collect monies due, or to confiscate property.

check bellow for the other definitions of Levee and Levy

  1. Levee as a noun:

    An embankment to prevent inundation; as, the levees along the Mississippi.

  2. Levee as a noun (US):

    The steep bank of a river.

  3. Levee as a noun (US):

    The border of an irrigated field.

  4. Levee as a noun (US):

    A pier or other landing place on a river.

  1. Levee as a verb (US, transitive):

    To keep within a channel by means of levees.


    "to levee a river"

  1. Levee as a noun (obsolete):

    The act of rising; getting up, especially in the morning after rest.

  2. Levee as a noun:

    A reception of visitors held after getting up.

  3. Levee as a noun:

    A formal reception, especially one given by royalty or other leaders.

  1. Levee as a verb (transitive):

    To attend the levee or levees of.

  1. Levy as a verb:

    To impose (a tax or fine) to collect monies due, or to confiscate property.


    "to levy a tax"

  2. Levy as a verb:

    To raise or collect by assessment; to exact by authority.

  3. Levy as a verb:

    To draft someone into military service.

  4. Levy as a verb:

    To raise; to collect; said of troops, to form into an army by enrollment, conscription. etc.

  5. Levy as a verb:

    To wage war.

  6. Levy as a verb:

    To raise, as a siege.


    "rfquotek Holland"

  7. Levy as a verb (legal):

    To erect, build, or set up; to make or construct; to raise or cast up.


    "to levy a mill, dike, ditch, a nuisance, etc."

    "rfquotek Cowell"

  1. Levy as a noun:

    The act of levying.

  2. Levy as a noun:

    The tax, property or people so levied.

  1. Levy as a noun (US, obsolete, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia):

    The Spanish real of one eighth of a dollar, valued at elevenpence when the dollar was rated at seven shillings and sixpence.

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