The difference between Letter carrier and Postman

When used as nouns, letter carrier means an employee of the post office who delivers mail (post) to, and collects it from, a residence or business, or from public mailboxes, whereas postman means someone (implied male) who delivers the post (mail) to, and/or collects the post from, residential or commercial addresses, or from public mailboxes.

check bellow for the other definitions of Letter carrier and Postman

  1. Letter carrier as a noun:

    An employee of the post office who delivers mail (post) to, and collects it from, a residence or business, or from public mailboxes.

  1. Postman as a noun (chiefly, British):

    someone (implied male) who delivers the post (mail) to, and/or collects the post from, residential or commercial addresses, or from public mailboxes.

  2. Postman as a noun:

    One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer, who have precedence in motions, so called from the place where he sits, the other of the two being the tubman.