The difference between Lecture and Sermonize

When used as verbs, lecture means to teach (somebody) by giving a speech on a given topic, whereas sermonize means to speak in the manner of a sermon.

Lecture is also noun with the meaning: a spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group.

check bellow for the other definitions of Lecture and Sermonize

  1. Lecture as a noun:

    A spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group.


    "During class today the professor delivered an interesting lecture."

  2. Lecture as a noun:

    A berating or scolding.


    "I really don't want you to give me a lecture about my bad eating habits."

  3. Lecture as a noun (obsolete):

    The act of reading.


    "the lecture of Holy Scripture"

  1. Lecture as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To teach (somebody) by giving a speech on a given topic.


    "The professor lectured to two classes this morning."

  2. Lecture as a verb (transitive):

    To preach, to berate, to scold.


    "Emily's father lectured her about the importance of being home before midnight."

  1. Sermonize as a verb (intransitive):

    To speak in the manner of a sermon; to preach; to propagate one's morality or opinions with speech.

  2. Sermonize as a verb (transitive):

    To preach a sermon to (somebody); to give (somebody) instruction or admonishment on the basis of one's morality or opinions.

  3. Sermonize as a verb (transitive):

    To say in the manner of a sermon or lecture.

  4. Sermonize as a verb (intransitive):

    To inculcate rigid rules.

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