The difference between Lect and Variety

When used as nouns, lect means a specific form of a language or language cluster: a language or a dialect, whereas variety means the quality of being varied.

check bellow for the other definitions of Lect and Variety

  1. Lect as a noun (linguistics, sociolinguistics):

    A specific form of a language or language cluster: a language or a dialect.

  1. Variety as a noun:

    The quality of being varied; diversity.


    "'Variety is the spice of life."

    "ant sameness"

  2. Variety as a noun:

    A specific variation of something.

  3. Variety as a noun:

    A number of different things.


    "synonyms: array assortment"

  4. Variety as a noun:

    A state of constant change.

  5. Variety as a noun (taxonomy):

    A rank in a taxonomic classification, below species and subspecies.

  6. Variety as a noun (cybernetics):

    The total number of distinct states of a system.

  7. Variety as a noun (cybernetics):

    Logarithm of the base 2 of the total number of distinct states of a system.

  8. Variety as a noun (linguistics):

    A term used for a specific form of a language, neutral to whether that form is a dialect, accent, register, etc. and to its prestige level.

  9. Variety as a noun (algebra, esp. universal algebra):

    The class of all algebraic structures of a given signature satisfying a given set of identities.

  10. Variety as a noun:

    The kind of theatrical entertainment given in variety shows.

  11. Variety as a noun:

    The production of, or performance in, variety shows.