The difference between Lark and Woodlark

When used as nouns, lark means any of various small, singing passerine birds of the family , whereas woodlark means a lark, , the only member of the genus lullula.

Lark is also verb with the meaning: to catch larks.

check bellow for the other definitions of Lark and Woodlark

  1. Lark as a noun:

    Any of various small, singing passerine birds of the family .

  2. Lark as a noun:

    Any of various similar-appearing birds, but usually ground-living, such as the meadowlark and titlark.

  3. Lark as a noun (by extension):

    One who wakes early; one who is up with the larks.


    "synonyms: early bird early riser"

    "ant owl"

  1. Lark as a verb:

    To catch larks.


    "to go larking'"

  1. Lark as a noun:

    A romp, frolic, some fun.

  2. Lark as a noun:

    A prank.

  1. Lark as a verb:

    To sport, engage in harmless pranking.

  2. Lark as a verb:

    To frolic, engage in carefree adventure.

  1. Woodlark as a noun:

    A lark, , the only member of the genus Lullula.

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