The difference between Lame and Weak

When used as adjectives, lame means unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs, whereas weak means lacking in force (usually strength) or ability.

Lame is also noun with the meaning: a stupid or undesirable person.

Lame is also verb with the meaning: to cause (a person or animal) to become lame.

check bellow for the other definitions of Lame and Weak

  1. Lame as an adjective:

    Unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs.

  2. Lame as an adjective:

    Moving with pain or difficulty on account of injury, defect or temporary obstruction of a function.


    "a lame leg, arm or muscle"

  3. Lame as an adjective (by extension):

    Hobbling; limping; inefficient; imperfect.

  4. Lame as an adjective (slang):

    Unconvincing or unbelievable.


    "He had a really lame excuse for missing the birthday party."

  5. Lame as an adjective (slang):

    Failing to be cool, funny, interesting or relevant.


    "He kept telling these extremely lame jokes all night."

  6. Lame as an adjective (slang):

    Strangely corny or sweet to an extent.


    "I told him not to bring me flowers, so he brought a bunch of carrots instead. It was lame but it made me smile."

  1. Lame as a verb (transitive):

    To cause (a person or animal) to become lame.

  1. Lame as a noun (prison, _, slang):

    A stupid or undesirable person.

  1. Lame as a noun:

    A lamina.

  2. Lame as a noun (in the plural):

    A set of joined overlapping metal plates.

  1. Lame as a verb (obsolete):

    To shine.


    "rfquotek Piers Plowman"

  1. Weak as an adjective:

    Lacking in force (usually strength) or ability.


    "The child was too weak to move the boulder."

    "They easily guessed his weak computer password."

  2. Weak as an adjective:

    Unable to sustain a great weight, pressure, or strain.


    "a weak timber; a weak rope"

  3. Weak as an adjective:

    Unable to withstand temptation, urgency, persuasion, etc.; easily impressed, moved, or overcome; accessible; vulnerable.


    "weak resolutions; weak virtue"

  4. Weak as an adjective:

    Dilute, lacking in taste or potency.


    "We were served stale bread and weak tea."

  5. Weak as an adjective (grammar):

    Displaying a particular kind of inflection, including: Regular in inflection, lacking vowel changes and having a past tense with -d- or -t-. Showing less distinct grammatical endings. Definite in meaning, often used with a definite article or similar word.

  6. Weak as an adjective (chemistry):

    That does not ionize completely into anions and cations in a solution.


    "a weak acid; a weak base"

  7. Weak as an adjective (physics):

    One of the four fundamental forces associated with nuclear decay.

  8. Weak as an adjective (slang):

    Bad or uncool.


    "This place is weak."

  9. Weak as an adjective (mathematics, logic):

    Having a narrow range of logical consequences; narrowly applicable. (Often contrasted with a statement which implies it.)

  10. Weak as an adjective:

    Resulting from, or indicating, lack of judgment, discernment, or firmness; unwise; hence, foolish.

  11. Weak as an adjective:

    Not having power to convince; not supported by force of reason or truth; unsustained.


    "The prosecution advanced a weak case."

  12. Weak as an adjective:

    Lacking in vigour or expression.


    "a weak sentence; a weak style"

  13. Weak as an adjective:

    Not prevalent or effective, or not felt to be prevalent; not potent; feeble.

  14. Weak as an adjective (stock exchange):

    Tending towards lower prices.


    "a weak market; wheat is weak at present"

  15. Weak as an adjective (photography):

    Lacking contrast.


    "a weak negative"