The difference between Known and Unknown

When used as nouns, known means a variable or constant whose value is already determined, whereas unknown means a variable (usually x, y or z) whose value is to be found.

When used as adjectives, known means identified as a specific type, whereas unknown means not known.

check bellow for the other definitions of Known and Unknown

  1. Known as an adjective:

    Identified as a specific type; renowned, famous.


    "He was a known pickpocket."

  2. Known as an adjective:

    Researched, accepted, familiar.

  1. Known as a noun (algebra):

    A variable or constant whose value is already determined.

  2. Known as a noun:

    Any fact or situation which is known or familiar.

  1. Known as a verb:

  1. Unknown as an adjective (sometimes, _, postpositive):

    Not known; unidentified; not well known.

  1. Unknown as a noun (algebra):

    A variable (usually x, y or z) whose value is to be found.

  2. Unknown as a noun:

    Any thing, place, or situation about which nothing is known; an unknown fact or piece of information.

  3. Unknown as a noun:

    A person of no identity; a nonentity