The difference between Jump and Spring

When used as nouns, jump means the act of jumping, whereas spring means a leap.

When used as verbs, jump means to propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that momentum causes the body to become airborne, whereas spring means to jump or leap.

Jump is also adverb with the meaning: exactly.

Jump is also adjective with the meaning: exact.

check bellow for the other definitions of Jump and Spring

  1. Jump as a verb (intransitive):

    To propel oneself rapidly upward, downward and/or in any horizontal direction such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.


    "The boy jumped over a fence."

    "Kangaroos are known for their ability to jump high."

  2. Jump as a verb (intransitive):

    To cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.


    "She is going to jump from the diving board."

  3. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To pass by a spring or leap; to overleap.


    "to jump a stream"

  4. Jump as a verb (intransitive):

    To employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.

  5. Jump as a verb (intransitive):

    To react to a sudden, often unexpected, stimulus (such as a sharp prick or a loud sound) by jerking the body violently.


    "The sudden sharp sound made me jump."

  6. Jump as a verb (intransitive):

    To employ a move in certain board games where one game piece is moved from one legal position to another passing over the position of another piece.


    "The player's knight jumped the opponent's bishop."

  7. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To move to a position in (a queue/line) that is further forward.


    "I hate it when people jump the queue."

  8. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To attack suddenly and violently.


    "The hoodlum jumped a woman in the alley."

  9. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To engage in sexual intercourse.

  10. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to jump.


    "The rider jumped the horse over the fence."

  11. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To move the distance between two opposing subjects.

  12. Jump as a verb (transitive):

    To increase the height of a tower crane by inserting a section at the base of the tower and jacking up everything above it.

  13. Jump as a verb (cycling, intransitive):

    To increase speed aggressively and without warning.

  14. Jump as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To expose to danger; to risk; to hazard.

  15. Jump as a verb (transitive, smithwork):

    To join by a buttweld.

  16. Jump as a verb:

    To thicken or enlarge by endwise blows; to upset.

  17. Jump as a verb (quarrying):

    To bore with a jumper.

  18. Jump as a verb (obsolete):

    To coincide; to agree; to accord; to tally; followed by with.

  19. Jump as a verb (intransitive, programming):

    To start executing code from a different location, rather than following the program counter.

  20. Jump as a verb (intransitive, slang, archaic):

    To flee; to make one's escape.

  1. Jump as a noun:

    The act of jumping; a leap; a spring; a bound.

  2. Jump as a noun:

    An effort; an attempt; a venture.

  3. Jump as a noun (mining):

    A dislocation in a stratum; a fault.

  4. Jump as a noun (architecture):

    An abrupt interruption of level in a piece of brickwork or masonry.

  5. Jump as a noun:

    An instance of propelling oneself upwards.


    "The boy took a skip and a jump down the lane."

  6. Jump as a noun:

    An object which causes one to jump, a ramp.


    "He went off a jump."

  7. Jump as a noun:

    An instance of causing oneself to fall from an elevated location.


    "There were a couple of jumps from the bridge."

  8. Jump as a noun:

    An instance of employing a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.


    "She was terrified before the jump, but was thrilled to be skydiving."

  9. Jump as a noun:

    An instance of reacting to a sudden stimulus by jerking the body.

  10. Jump as a noun:

    A jumping move in a board game.


    "the knight's jump in chess"

  11. Jump as a noun:

    A button (of a joypad, joystick or similar device) used to make a video game character jump (propel itself upwards).


    "Press jump to start."

  12. Jump as a noun (sports, horses):

    An obstacle that forms part of a showjumping course, and that the horse has to jump over cleanly.


    "Heartless managed the scale the first jump but fell over the second."

  13. Jump as a noun (with ''on''):

    An early start or an advantage.


    "He got a jump on the day because he had laid out everything the night before."

    "Their research department gave them the jump on the competition."

  14. Jump as a noun (mathematics):

    A discontinuity in the graph of a function, where the function is continuous in a punctured interval of the discontinuity.

  15. Jump as a noun (science fiction):

    An instance of faster-than-light travel, not observable from ordinary space.

  16. Jump as a noun (computing):

    A change of the path of execution to a different location.

  1. Jump as an adverb (obsolete):

    exactly; precisely

  1. Jump as an adjective (obsolete):

    Exact; matched; fitting; precise.

  1. Jump as a noun:

    A kind of loose jacket for men.

  1. Spring as a verb:

    To jump or leap.


    "He sprang up from his seat."

  2. Spring as a verb:

    To pass over by leaping.


    "to spring over a fence (in this sense, the verb spring must be accompanied by the preposition 'over'.)"

  3. Spring as a verb:

    To produce or disclose unexpectedly, especially of surprises, traps, etc.

  4. Spring as a verb (slang):

    To release or set free, especially from prison.

  5. Spring as a verb (Australia, slang):

    To suddenly catch someone doing something illegal or against the rules.

  6. Spring as a verb:

    To come into being, often quickly or sharply.


    "Trees are already springing up in the plantation."

  7. Spring as a verb:

    To start or rise suddenly, as from a covert.

  8. Spring as a verb:

    To cause to spring up; to start or rouse, as game; to cause to rise from the earth, or from a covert.


    "to spring a pheasant"

  9. Spring as a verb (nautical):

    To crack or split; to bend or strain so as to weaken.


    "to spring a mast or a yard"

  10. Spring as a verb:

    To bend by force, as something stiff or strong; to force or put by bending, as a beam into its sockets, and allowing it to straighten when in place; often with in, out, etc.


    "to spring in a slat or a bar"

  11. Spring as a verb:

    To issue with speed and violence; to move with activity; to dart; to shoot.

  12. Spring as a verb:

    To move suddenly when pressure is released.


    "A bow, when bent, springs back by its elastic power."

  13. Spring as a verb (intransitive):

    To bend from a straight direction or plane surface; to become warped.


    "A piece of timber, or a plank, sometimes springs in seasoning."

  14. Spring as a verb:

    To shoot up, out, or forth; to come to the light; to begin to appear; to emerge, like a plant from its seed, a stream from its source, etc.; often followed by up, forth, or out.

  15. Spring as a verb:

    To issue or proceed, as from a parent or ancestor; to result, as from a cause, motive, reason, or principle.

  16. Spring as a verb (obsolete):

    To grow; to prosper.

  17. Spring as a verb (architecture, masonry, transitive):

    To build (an arch).


    "They sprung an arch over the lintel."

  18. Spring as a verb (transitive, archaic):

    To sound (a rattle, such as a watchman's rattle).

  1. Spring as a noun:

    A leap; a bound; a jump.

  2. Spring as a noun (countable):

    Traditionally the first of the four seasons of the year in temperate regions, in which plants spring from the ground and trees come into blossom, following winter and preceding summer.


    "'Spring is the time of the year most species reproduce."

    "I spent my spring holidays in Morocco."

    "You can visit me in the spring, when the weather is bearable."

  3. Spring as a noun (countable):

    Meteorologically, the months of March, April and May in the northern hemisphere or September, October and November in the southern.

  4. Spring as a noun (countable):

    The astronomically delineated period from the moment of vernal equinox, approximately March 21 in the northern hemisphere to the moment of the summer solstice, approximately June 21. (See for other variations.)

  5. Spring as a noun (countable):

    Spring tide; a tide of greater-than-average range, that is, around the first or third quarter of a lunar month, or around the times of the new or full moon.

  6. Spring as a noun (countable):

    A place where water or oil emerges from the ground.


    "This water is bottled from the spring of the river."

  7. Spring as a noun (uncountable):

    The property of a body of springing to its original form after being compressed, stretched, etc.


    "the spring of a bow"

  8. Spring as a noun:

    Elastic power or force.

  9. Spring as a noun (countable):

    A mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material that exerts force when it is bent, compressed or stretched.


    "We jumped so hard the bed springs broke."

  10. Spring as a noun (countable, slang):

    An erection of the penis.

  11. Spring as a noun (countable):

    The source of an action or of a supply.

  12. Spring as a noun:

    Any active power; that by which action, or motion, is produced or propagated; cause; origin; motive.

  13. Spring as a noun:

    That which springs, or is originated, from a source. A race; lineage. A youth; a springald. A shoot; a plant; a young tree; also, a grove of trees; woodland.


    "rfquotek Chapman"

    "rfquotek Spenser"

    "rfquotek Spenser"

    "rfquotek Milton"

  14. Spring as a noun (obsolete):

    That which causes one to spring; specifically, a lively tune.


    "rfquotek Beaumont and Fletcher"

  15. Spring as a noun:

    The time of growth and progress; early portion; first stage.

  16. Spring as a noun (countable, nautical):

    A rope attaching the bow of a vessel to the stern-side of the jetty, or vice versa, to stop the vessel from surging.


    "You should put a couple of springs onto the jetty to stop the boat moving so much."

  17. Spring as a noun (nautical):

    A line led from a vessel's quarter to her cable so that by tightening or slacking it she can be made to lie in any desired position; a line led diagonally from the bow or stern of a vessel to some point upon the wharf to which she is moored.

  18. Spring as a noun (nautical):

    A crack or fissure in a mast or yard, running obliquely or transversely.