The difference between Joke and Laugh

When used as nouns, joke means an amusing story, whereas laugh means an expression of mirth particular to the human species.

When used as verbs, joke means to do or say something for amusement rather than seriously, whereas laugh means to show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat.

check bellow for the other definitions of Joke and Laugh

  1. Joke as a noun:

    An amusing story.

  2. Joke as a noun:

    Something said or done for amusement, not in seriousness.


    "It was a joke!"

  3. Joke as a noun (figuratively):

    The root cause or main issue, especially an unexpected one

  4. Joke as a noun (figuratively):

    A laughably worthless thing or person; a sham.


    "Your effort at cleaning your room is a joke."

    "The president was a joke."

  1. Joke as a verb (intransitive):

    To do or say something for amusement rather than seriously.


    "I didn’t mean what I said — I was only joking."

  2. Joke as a verb:

    (intransitive, followed by with) To dupe in a friendly manner for amusement; to mess with, play with.


    "Relax, man, I'm just joking with you."

  3. Joke as a verb (transitive, dated):

    To make merry with; to make jokes upon; to rally.


    "to joke a comrade"

  1. Laugh as a noun:

    An expression of mirth particular to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter.

  2. Laugh as a noun:

    Something that provokes mirth or scorn.

  3. Laugh as a noun (UK, NZ):

    A fun person.

  1. Laugh as a verb (intransitive):

    To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat; to indulge in laughter.

  2. Laugh as a verb (intransitive, obsolete, figuratively):

    To be or appear cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant; to sparkle; to sport.

  3. Laugh as a verb (intransitive, followed by "at"):

    To make an object of laughter or ridicule; to make fun of; to deride; to mock.

  4. Laugh as a verb (transitive):

    To affect or influence by means of laughter or ridicule.

  5. Laugh as a verb (transitive):

    To express by, or utter with, laughter.