The difference between Invincible and Undefeatable

When used as nouns, invincible means someone or something that cannot be defeated, destroyed or killed, whereas undefeatable means something that has an undefeatable quality.

When used as adjectives, invincible means impossible to defeat, destroy or kill, whereas undefeatable means not defeatable.

check bellow for the other definitions of Invincible and Undefeatable

  1. Invincible as an adjective:

    Impossible to defeat, destroy or kill; too powerful to be defeated or overcome.

  1. Invincible as a noun:

    Someone or something that cannot be defeated, destroyed or killed.

  1. Undefeatable as an adjective:

    Not defeatable; impossible to defeat.

  1. Undefeatable as a noun:

    Something that has an undefeatable quality.