The difference between Insoluble and Solvable

When used as adjectives, insoluble means that cannot be dissolved, whereas solvable means capable of being solved.

Insoluble is also noun with the meaning: any substance that cannot be dissolved.

check bellow for the other definitions of Insoluble and Solvable

  1. Insoluble as an adjective:

    That cannot be dissolved.

  2. Insoluble as an adjective:

    That cannot be solved; unsolvable; insolvable.

  3. Insoluble as an adjective:

    That cannot be explained; mysterious or inexplicable.

  4. Insoluble as an adjective:

    That cannot be broken down or dispersed.

  1. Insoluble as a noun:

    Any substance that cannot be dissolved.

  1. Solvable as an adjective:

    Capable of being solved.


    "a solvable problem"

  2. Solvable as an adjective (archaic):

    Capable of being dissolved or liquefied.

  3. Solvable as an adjective (obsolete):

    Capable of being paid and discharged.


    "solvable obligations"

    "rfquotek Tooke"

  4. Solvable as an adjective (obsolete):

    Able to pay one's debts; solvent.


    "rfquotek Fuller"