The difference between Hasten and Rush

When used as verbs, hasten means to move or act in a quick fashion, whereas rush means to hurry.

Rush is also noun with the meaning: any of several stiff plants of the genus juncus, or the family juncaceae, having hollow or pithy stems and small flowers, and often growing in marshes or near water.

Rush is also adjective with the meaning: performed with, or requiring urgency or great haste, or done under pressure.

check bellow for the other definitions of Hasten and Rush

  1. Hasten as a verb (intransitive):

    To move or act in a quick fashion.

  2. Hasten as a verb (transitive):

    To make someone speed up or make something happen quicker.

  3. Hasten as a verb (transitive):

    To cause some scheduled event to happen earlier.

  1. Rush as a noun:

    Any of several stiff plants of the genus Juncus, or the family Juncaceae, having hollow or pithy stems and small flowers, and often growing in marshes or near water.

  2. Rush as a noun:

    The stem of such plants used in making baskets, mats, the seats of chairs, etc.

  3. Rush as a noun:

    The merest trifle; a straw.

  1. Rush as a noun:

    A sudden forward motion.

  2. Rush as a noun:

    A surge.


    "A rush of business can be difficult to handle effectively for its unexpected volume."

  3. Rush as a noun:

    General haste.


    "Many errors were made in the rush to finish."

  4. Rush as a noun:

    A rapid, noisy flow.


    "a rush of water; a rush of footsteps"

  5. Rush as a noun (military):

    A sudden attack; an onslaught.

  6. Rush as a noun (contact sports):

    The act of running at another player to block or disrupt play.


    "a rush on the quarterback"

  7. Rush as a noun (American football, dated):

    A rusher; a lineman.


    "the center rush, whose place is in the center of the rush line"

  8. Rush as a noun:

    A sudden, brief exhilaration, for instance the pleasurable sensation produced by a stimulant.


    "The rollercoaster gave me a rush."

  9. Rush as a noun (US, figuratively):

    A regulated period of recruitment in fraternities and sororities.


    "'rush week"

  10. Rush as a noun (US, dated, college slang):

    A perfect recitation.

  11. Rush as a noun (croquet):

    A roquet in which the object ball is sent to a particular location on the lawn.

  1. Rush as a verb (transitive, or, intransitive):

    To hurry; to perform a task with great haste.


    "'rush one's dinner; rush off an email response"

  2. Rush as a verb (intransitive):

    To flow or move forward rapidly or noisily.


    "armies rush to battle; waters rush down a precipice."

  3. Rush as a verb (intransitive, football):

    To dribble rapidly.

  4. Rush as a verb (transitive, or, intransitive, contact sports):

    To run directly at another player in order to block or disrupt play.

  5. Rush as a verb (transitive):

    To cause to move or act with unusual haste.


    "Don't rush your client or he may withdraw."

  6. Rush as a verb (intransitive, military):

    To make a swift or sudden attack.

  7. Rush as a verb (military):

    To swiftly attack without warning.

  8. Rush as a verb (video games, slang, transitive):

    To attack (an opponent) with a large swarm of units; to zerg.

  9. Rush as a verb (transitive, or, intransitive, US, college):

    To attempt to join a fraternity or sorority; to undergo hazing or initiation in order to join a fraternity or sorority.

  10. Rush as a verb (transitive):

    To transport or carry quickly.


    "The shuttle rushes passengers from the station to the airport."

  11. Rush as a verb (transitive, or, intransitive, croquet):

    To roquet an object ball to a particular location on the lawn.

  12. Rush as a verb (US, slang, dated):

    To recite (a lesson) or pass (an examination) without an error.

  1. Rush as an adjective:

    Performed with, or requiring urgency or great haste, or done under pressure.


    "a rush job"