The difference between Good-looking and Handsome

When used as adjectives, good-looking means physically attractive , whereas handsome means visually attractive.

Handsome is also verb with the meaning: to render handsome.

check bellow for the other definitions of Good-looking and Handsome

  1. Good-looking as an adjective:

    Physically attractive .

  1. Handsome as an adjective (of people, things, etc):

    Having a good appearance; good-looking. Visually attractive; pleasant looking, good-looking. Striking, impressive and elegantly proportioned, though not typically beautiful.


    "a handsome garment, house, tree, or horse"

    "a handsome man"

  2. Handsome as an adjective (of weather):

    Good, appealing, appropriate. Fine, clear and bright. Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; appropriate.


    "a handsome style, etc."

  3. Handsome as an adjective:

    Generous or noble in character.


    "Handsome is as handsome does."

  4. Handsome as an adjective:

    Ample; moderately large.


    "a handsome salary"

  5. Handsome as an adjective (obsolete, said of things and people):

    Dexterous; skillful.

  1. Handsome as a verb (transitive, obsolete):

    To render handsome.