The difference between Global and Globular

When used as nouns, global means a globally scoped identifier, whereas globular means a globular cluster.

When used as adjectives, global means spherical, ball-shaped, whereas globular means roughly spherical in shape.

check bellow for the other definitions of Global and Globular

  1. Global as an adjective:

    Spherical, ball-shaped.


    "In the center was a small, global mass."

  2. Global as an adjective (not [[comparable]]):

    Of or relating to a globe or sphere.

  3. Global as an adjective:

    Concerning all parts of the world.


    "Pollution is a global problem."

  4. Global as an adjective (not comparable, computing):

    Of a variable, accessible by all parts of a program.


    "'Global variables keep support engineers employed."

  5. Global as an adjective:

    Which has to be considered in its entirety.

  1. Global as a noun (computing):

    A globally scoped identifier.

  1. Globular as an adjective:

    Roughly spherical in shape.

  2. Globular as an adjective:

    Comprising globules.

  1. Globular as a noun (astronomy):

    A globular cluster