The difference between Glasshouse and Greenhouse

When used as nouns, glasshouse means a building made of glass in which plants are grown more rapidly than outside such a building by the action of heat from the sun, this heat being trapped inside by the glass (chiefly commercial), whereas greenhouse means a building used to grow plants, particularly one with large glass windows or plastic sheeting to trap heat from sunlight even in intemperate seasons or climates.

Greenhouse is also verb with the meaning: to place (plants) in a greenhouse.

check bellow for the other definitions of Glasshouse and Greenhouse

  1. Glasshouse as a noun:

    A building made of glass in which plants are grown more rapidly than outside such a building by the action of heat from the sun, this heat being trapped inside by the glass (chiefly commercial).

  2. Glasshouse as a noun:

    A building where glass or glassware is manufactured.

  3. Glasshouse as a noun (British, _, military, _, slang):

      A military prison.

  1. Greenhouse as a noun:

    A building used to grow plants, particularly one with large glass windows or plastic sheeting to trap heat from sunlight even in intemperate seasons or climates.

  2. Greenhouse as a noun:

    The glass of a plane's cockpit.

  1. Greenhouse as a verb (transitive):

    To place (plants) in a greenhouse.