The difference between Git and Git gud

When used as verbs, git means to get, whereas git gud means to improve.

Git is also noun with the meaning: a contemptible person.

check bellow for the other definitions of Git and Git gud

  1. Git as a noun (British, slang, pejorative):

    A contemptible person.

  2. Git as a noun (British, slang, pejorative):

    A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person (usually a man).

  1. Git as a verb (Appalachian, Southern US, AAVE):

    To get.

  2. Git as a verb (Appalachian, Southern US, AAVE):

    To leave.

  1. Git as a noun:

    (channel in metal casting)

  1. Git gud as a verb (internet slang, derogatory):

    To improve; to develop skill or expertise.

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