The difference between Game controller and Joystick

When used as nouns, game controller means a hardware device designed to allow the user to play video games, whereas joystick means a mechanical device consisting of a handgrip mounted on a base or pedestal and typically having one or more buttons, used to control an aircraft, computer or other equipment.

Joystick is also verb with the meaning: to manoeuvre by means of a joystick.

check bellow for the other definitions of Game controller and Joystick

  1. Game controller as a noun (video games):

    A hardware device designed to allow the user to play video games.

  1. Joystick as a noun:

    A mechanical device consisting of a handgrip mounted on a base or pedestal and typically having one or more buttons, used to control an aircraft, computer or other equipment.

  2. Joystick as a noun (slang):

    A penis.

  1. Joystick as a verb (rare):

    To manoeuvre by means of a joystick.