The difference between Foreign and International

When used as nouns, foreign means a foreigner: a person from another country, whereas international means someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport.

When used as adjectives, foreign means located outside a country or place, especially one's own, whereas international means of or having to do with more than one nation.

check bellow for the other definitions of Foreign and International

  1. Foreign as an adjective:

    Located outside a country or place, especially one's own.


    "foreign markets''; ''foreign soil"

    "He liked visiting foreign cities."

  2. Foreign as an adjective:

    Originating from, characteristic of, belonging to, or being a citizen of a country or place other than the one under discussion.


    "foreign car''; ''foreign word''; ''foreign citizen''; ''foreign trade"

    "There are many more foreign students in Europe since the Erasmus scheme started."

  3. Foreign as an adjective:

    Relating to a different nation.


    "foreign policy''; ''foreign navies"

  4. Foreign as an adjective:

    Not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system.


    "foreign body''; ''foreign substance''; ''foreign gene''; ''foreign species"

  5. Foreign as an adjective (with ''to'', formerly with ''from''):

    Alien; strange.


    "It was completely foreign to their way of thinking."

  6. Foreign as an adjective (obsolete):

    Held at a distance; excluded; exiled.

  7. Foreign as an adjective (US, state, _, legal):

    From a different one of the states of the United States, as of a state of residence or incorporation.

  8. Foreign as an adjective:

    Belonging to a different organization, company etc.


    "My bank charges me $2.50 every time I use a foreign ATM."

  9. Foreign as an adjective:

    Outside, outdoors, outdoor.

  1. Foreign as a noun:

    A foreign person, particularly: A foreigner: a person from another country. An outsider: a person from another place or group. A non-guildmember.

  2. Foreign as a noun (obsolete):

    A foreign ship.

  3. Foreign as a noun:

    an outhouse.

  4. Foreign as a noun:

    A foreign area, particularly: An area of a community that lies outside the legal town or parish limits. An area of a monastery outside its legal limits or serving as an outer court.

  5. Foreign as a noun:

    Short for various phrases, including foreign language, foreign parts, and foreign service.

  1. International as an adjective:

    Of or having to do with more than one nation.

  2. International as an adjective:

    Between or among nations


    "an international discussion"

  3. International as an adjective:

    participated in by two or more nations


    "an international competition"

  4. International as an adjective:

    common to, or affecting, two or more nations.


    "an international rule"

  5. International as an adjective:

    serving two or more nations


    "an international airport"

  6. International as an adjective:

    Of or concerning the association called the International.

  7. International as an adjective:

    Independent of national boundaries; common to all people.


    "The atmosphere is an international resource."

    "the international community of scholars"

  8. International as an adjective:

    Foreign; of another nation.


    "an international student"

  1. International as a noun (sports):

    Someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport.


    "The United team includes five England internationals."

  2. International as a noun (sports):

    A game or contest between two or more nations.

  3. International as a noun (politics):

    A transnational organization of political parties of similar ideology.