The difference between Forebode and Foretell

When used as verbs, forebode means to predict a future event, whereas foretell means to predict.

Forebode is also noun with the meaning: prognostication.

check bellow for the other definitions of Forebode and Foretell

  1. Forebode as a verb:

    To predict a future event; to hint at something that will happen (especially as a literary device).

  2. Forebode as a verb:

    To be prescient of (some ill or misfortune); to have an inward conviction of, as of a calamity which is about to happen; to augur despondingly.

  1. Forebode as a noun (obsolete):

    prognostication; presage

  1. Foretell as a verb (ambitransitive):

    To predict; to tell the future before it occurs; to prophesy.